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Diabetes Success Story 1.27.22

  • Author: Nicole Olivas MSN-RN
  • Date Submitted: Feb 7, 2022
  • Category: Medical Care

“My patient was overjoyed at her success and feels so much better about how to manage her diabetes.”

My very 1st Diabetes Support participant that I interacted with on 1.11.22 came in for her Diabetes follow-up yesterday. She wanted to work on portion size and exercise when we spoke on the phone. Her A1C was 11 in October, but yesterday her office lab was 7.5. She was overjoyed at her success when I told her. She said that she had been using the information that I mailed to her with portion size and she was exercising (walking and had even begun jogging a little bit). When I asked what she wanted to work on she said that carbs scare her. Her goal now is to use the guidelines for a healthy meal and the list that I gave her of starchy and non-starchy vegetables. We talked a bit about complex carbohydrates helping to keep her blood sugar stable and simple carbs spiking blood sugar. She said that she was very happy that I was helping her and she felt so much better about how to manage her diabetes already.